1. Connect your MetaMask to Unifty
Step-by-step guide to staking on the $GANJA Farm
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Step-by-step guide to staking on the $GANJA Farm
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Why do I need to do this? The Binance public nodes are heavily rate-limited and force larger projects to operate their own nodes. Unifty operates its own Binance Smart Chain node and offers this to its users.
Open your MetaMask wallet within your browser or via the browser extension and select the "Account" icon in the top drop-down options menu.
2. Scroll down and select "Settings" from the menu.
3. Within your account "Settings" select "Networks" and then select "Add Network"
4. Add the Binance Smart Network Unifty Node by entering the following information:
Network Name: Binance Smart Chain (Unifty Node)
New RPC URL: https://bsc2-rpc.unifty.cloud/
Chain ID: 56
Currency Symbol (optional): BNB
Block Explorer URL (optional): https://bscscan.com/
Select "Save" when you're done
5. Exit your account setting by tapping the "X" in the top right corner to return to your wallet. Ensure you have set your network on the Binance Smart Chain (Unifty Node) within your network selection dropdown.